Leandro Damián Megna Ortiz

Sometimes: one speaks about the artist and not about the work, in this case, we can see like for
a mirror the artist and the reflex of his work.

The work of Refki Gollopeni, it has the warmth of the hope, the force of a glorious future. The same one allows us to see as spectators what exists of another side, as if we were behind the curtains of the reality. The confluence of his different skills they do that as spectators we could submerge in this so wonderful world of daydreams, of magic, of sceneries of other dimensions. Reaching this goal in a perfect synthesis between the abstract thing and the figurative thing, the
illustrative thing and the free line.

Refki a traveler is, where his works are his notebook of trip. Similar on having recreated the experience of the travelling painters and his manifesto, which were capturing by means of notes whose purpose of which they could see others, which his eyes were discovering, allowing to share generously this experience.

These worlds rebuilt with a sensitive line, , with vivid colors warm and cold, in a just mixture, he allows us to see the balance of the artist in the maturity of his art. Opening a portal, to be able to journey between two worlds the spiritual one and the mundane materialism, where the spectator can walk safe, enjoying this pleasant trip. 

Skender Boshtrakaj

The journey of the bull, in the paintings of Refki Gallopeni, from a personal narrative of survival, has turned into an aesthetic image of strength, stability and stamina. Bull with his survival skills is also a very determined being! Nothing can affect a bull to stop its course. Therefore, it is the personification of determination in decision-making. With strong body, strong shoulders and big head, its body weight keeps the bull firm and safe.

However, Gallopeni, does not paint the bull's body with muscles, but the power of the bull, he does not paint the opponent or the threats, but the actions and the pain of the bull, he does not paint the flock but the devotion and the sacrifice of the bull for the family.

The expressionist art of Gallopeni tries to convey more emotion and meaning than descriptions of the reality through figurative images. Aiming to express emotions, expressionist artists often exaggerate their subjects. Gallopeni do not need this "distortion" effect, because the 'nature of the bull', enables the powerful explosion of color in the composition, sufficiently. At the same time, Gallopeni's colors are often vivid and shocking. Its typical feature is the emotional, vibrant and thrilling effect.

Meaningful dignity is a large part of the artist's message, through the aesthetic pursuit of bulls. The bull gave others the gift of life by sacrificing him selves. It seems this is the blessing and paradox of survival, which Gallopeni treats successfully.  As some say, bull's mantra is "counting and remembering blessings and successes", while the attitude of gratitude and dignity, always, opens the way for much more.

Therefore, we might conclude that, Refki Gallopeni prefers to paint the, “nature of the bull” rather than painting the, “bull in the nature”.

Dr. Helmut Orpel

Virtuelle Welt“ lautet der Titel eines Zyklus´von Refki Gollopeni, einem Künstler, der aus dem Kosovo kommt und der sich auf sehr anschauliche Weise mit dem Gegensatz von Rationalität und Sinnlichkeit auseinandersetzt. Sehr philosophisch muten diese Kompositionen an. Hinter informell fließenden Farben erscheinen

geometrische Konstruktionen, die so wirken, als wolle der Künstler anschaulich machen, dass die Natur in ihrem unerschöpflichen Formen- und Farbenreichtum den abstrakten Begriffen unseres Verstandes entzogen ist.

Unerschöpflich wie die Formen der Natur sind auch die der Kunst und von einem kleinen Ausschnitt aus diesem breiten Spektrum können Sie sich heute hier überzeugen

Bilder wie die von Gollopeni sprechen emotional an. Einen weiteren Zyklus dieses Künstlers finden sie in der unteren Etage. Hier können sie den sensiblen Übergang der Zeichnung, In diesem Falle von kraftvollen Stieren, in die Farbe bewundern.

Gollopeni zeigt eine universelle Kunst, wie sie überall rund um den Globus entsteht. Dennoch ist in seinem speziellen Falle auch die Herkunft des Künstlers von Interesse, denn wer weiß schon etwas über das Kosovo, das seit knapp 3 Jahren ein selbständiger Staat ist? Gollopeni hat in Prishdina eine akademische Ausbildung genossen und schon in zahlreichen Galerien ausgestellt. Aber zurück zum Ausgangspunkt:

Kunst und virtuelle Welt – diese Frage, wie sie in dem erwähnten Zyklus mitschwingt, findet sich häufig auf die eine oder andere Weise hier in der Ausstellung  dargestellt, denn wie in keiner anderen Zeit sind die Möglichkeiten des Mediengebrauchs heute grenzenlos.

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Refki Gollopeni